Evil Intent Read online

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  “I know what you meant.”

  “Oh. Ok. Well, actually, that’s why I thought of asking you for help. I originally went over there to ask Anton a question about the AU003 pump, but maybe you can help me.”

  “What do you need to know?”

  “I was visiting a client this morning, The NYU Pharmaceutical Center, and they were asking lots of questions about its capability, comparing it to the Gemini model. I could answer most of their questions, but then they started getting really technical and I said I’d have to find out and call them back. I wrote it down here on something, give me a minute.”

  She was digging around inside her purse looking for the paper.

  “Technically speaking Kathryn, it is somewhat different from the Gemini One-Step.”

  “Here we go. I’ve got it right here, Eric. I had told them the Diage AU003 has a highly integrated 16 BIT microprocessor that draws very little power, saving the battery life.

  “You’re correct.”

  “I also told them it is Bluetooth compatible, and that the patient then does not need to manually check the glucose levels. But then, they asked if it was compatible with anything other than Bluetooth. They wanted to know if they can upload commands to the pump. That’s when they lost me. I think they can send commands using Bluetooth, right?”

  “Whoa, you’re losing me, too! Let’s back up. There are lots of underlying assumptions in what you just said. I think we should go back to the beginning. First, you are correct about the microprocessor. It’s a mini computer that is very powerful. It also runs on a battery, and like you said, one of the benefits is the low amps required. If the computer draws little power to operate, it will last a lot longer.”

  “That makes sense. Got it.”

  “Next, you mentioned Bluetooth and the patient in the same breath. Let’s take the patient first. They manually monitor their glucose levels with the Gemini system. But, the Diage system offers real time constant glucose monitoring that would minimize patient self-testing. It also relies on fault indication - a process of alerts, and alarms. That makes it easier on the patient.”

  “Boy, I screwed that one up bad. I swear Andreyushkin said it in class.”

  “Screw Andreyushkin! It’s hard enough to understand anything with that man’s accent, let alone learning a bunch of new technical jargon. He bounces around a lot and should clearly separate patient responsibility from describing the automated functions of the machine.”

  “You’re making me feel better already, Eric. I do have a major problem understanding the accent. Thanks for saying that.”

  “Ok, next. Now the hard part. The system offers a sophisticated array of options the patient can purchase. This is important. Some options will allow custom tailoring of insulin doses with few key strokes. Just think about options at this point. Another option is an RF interface.”

  “Wait, RF? Is that radio frequencies?”

  “That’s right. With a certain option, we can match continuous glucose monitoring with reports, trending, or upload updated commands to the pump to create changes in processing. Those uploads, and commands are usually done using Bluetooth technology.”

  “Oh really? That stuff’s not part of the base system?”

  “Not really. I think what your client was getting at is trying to find out if there are other methods of uploading the commands, and the answer is that there is. This is very technical. For example, there are unlicensed band transceivers that would work in a RF environment. The system is quite flexible - another huge advantage.”

  “Oh boy, I see an apology coming. I’m going to have to go back to NYU.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll help you. When we go back upstairs, come to my office. I’ll give you a manual you can give them. It’ll explain all this technical stuff.”

  “Oh Eric, that would be such a great help. Thank you. I guess the bottom line lesson is that this device is pretty sophisticated and can be programmed, with a great degree of automation, and without patient intervention. That is, if you purchase the options.”

  “Yes, definitely.”

  “I have another question. This is a little more personal, Eric. My Mother’s doctor, just set her up with a Diage 003 without me knowing about it. She’s been a type one diabetic most of her life. My mom likes things simple and she is terrible with computers. Can someone like her manage this baby? Or is it too complex? What if she pushes all the wrong buttons? Can she throw this thing out of whack and not know it?”

  “Can I be real honest? Blunt, even, and just between you and me?”

  “Of course, Eric. Absolutely.”

  “Well, just between you and me, I would wait before investing in this new pump, if that’s an option. And I mean for anyone. I realize the pressure you are under from a sales perspective, but I’m just not convinced this device is the best thing since canned beer. Theoretically? It seems to be an outstanding device.”

  “You don’t sound convinced.”

  “I just personally have major problems with Dr. Andreyushkin.”

  “Like what? What bothers you, Eric? I trust you, and this is important,” Kathryn said, suddenly getting very concerned. “Eric, there has been a lot of things that have concerned me lately too, including the infamous Doctor.”

  “Let’s just say, it’s too new.”

  “But, it did make it through the FDA. I would think they don’t take these things too lightly, Eric. Doesn’t that provide you with some comfort?”

  “What has our Government done lately that makes you so comfortable? Health Care? With its outrageous cost and no coverage? How about the Navy’s $2000 hammer? Or our Presidents executive orders, the red line in Syria that we just aren’t going to cross, ISIS? Kathryn, the government does nothing right! I used to rely on our capitalistic society, but now that I’ve seen the development of this device up close, and our corporate behavior, I worry about capitalism, too. There is just too much greed, ego, you know what I mean. And, despite the FDA approval, well, let’s just stick with, it’s new. Time will tell. Do we really understand it all?”

  “Do you think we have that time? I doubt it.”

  “Let me say one more thing. On the positive side, I seriously doubt your mom has to worry. Yes, she probably could screw something up, but this microprocessor as a hell of a lot of alerts, and alarms to warn her. If an alarm does go off, all she has to do is look at the monitor, or test her blood sugar, the old fashion way.”

  “And what if the alarm doesn’t go off?”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “That’s what the world said when Galileo told them the Earth was round.”

  Holy shit. I need a drink!

  Chapter 17

  Wednesday was the day that Kathryn looked forward to the most. That is, ever since last Wednesday when Richard invited her to his weekly Bridge game. Naturally, she was counting on Richard taking her to the card game again. Last Wednesday proved very special to both of them. They had so much fun together, and maybe, just maybe, it was that night that prompted Richard to spend the next day, Saturday, with Kathryn. Because of all that happened, the importance of the Wednesday game, was forever branded on her brain.

  She was sitting at her desk, sipping her coffee, when Barbara walked in.

  “Oh, hello, Barb.”

  “Good morning Kathryn.” Barbara paused long enough to gaze at Kathryn. “Is everything alright? You look upset.”

  “I am, I guess. Remember last week when I went to that card game after work?”

  “What makes you think I’d forget that handsome doctor, and what he did to you Saturday?”

  Kathryn laughed. “Well, today is Wednesday.”

  “Then, you should be happy, not sad.”

  “Barbara, the past few days or weeks for that matter, have been very difficult in this office, and I’d say as demanding as any day in
my entire career. I feel like I’ve been pushed to my outer limits at times.”

  “You did fine Kathryn. You only feel that way because you’re a control freak.”

  “What? I am not!”

  “You are so. You know that you like to maintain control in all things you do. Don’t go denying it either. You know I’m right.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Of course not, you control that too! Seriously, you’re so good at what you do, people don’t even realize how you take control. You’re very effective.”

  “So what are you telling me?”

  “Cheer up honey! You’re going to have a great day, and even a better night, going out with that sexy doctor, to a card game! We’ll just do what we can, and at 5:00 we say screw it and leave. Make it happen girl! It’s easy, you’re the boss!”

  “Ok, if you say so. Thanks Barb. You really did make me feel better.”

  “Good. Now get to work. You need to finish reviewing and get out Ted’s weekly update for last week. It’s late. Then you wanted to get back out to NYU.”

  “I’m on it.”

  It was just before ten, when Kathryn left the office for NYU.

  Over in the IT department, Megan apparently managed to get Dr. Andreyushkin’s laptop back. He was in his office, quietly working when Donald Gingrich came walking around the corner on his way to Eric Halsey’s desk. He was returning the technical manual for the AU003 insulin pump he had borrowed. Just as he passed Andreyushkin’s secretary, he heard her yell into the office, “I have someone named Mikhail Sokoloff that wants to talk to you.”

  Donald immediately slowed down, hearing that name and seeing the secretary put through the call.

  Purely out of curiosity, Donald stopped at her desk, and said to the secretary, “I just need to see Anton for a minute,” preceding to walk into Anton’s office.

  “Donald wait! He’s on the phone, it should only be a few minutes.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” he said stopping close by the door. “Did you get that email I sent Anton yesterday?”

  The secretary had a strange look on her face, then immediately spun around bringing up Anton’s emails and sifting through the list looking for Donald’s note as Donald tried to listen to the telephone conversation taking place in Anton’s office.

  “Dobroe utro Mikhail, I trust you are well. How is Lidiya? Good. Did you say you were able to find out that information about the sensor for me? Yes, both temperature and pressure.”

  “Donald, I don’t have any email in here from you? When did you send it?” She said, suddenly distracting Donald.

  “Oh, maybe it was Monday? I swear I did it yesterday. Don’t bother, in fact I also just realized I forgot my book. I’ll catch up with Anton later, maybe tomorrow. Nothing urgent, don’t bother him with my business. I’ll go back to my office in a little while and see if I can find the email,” he explained as he quickly walked away.

  Donald eventually found Eric and managed to hand him the manual.

  “Hi Eric, I brought you back the manual you lent me the other day.”

  “What? Oh that, you can keep it Donald. I have several, I gave that to you. It wasn’t a loan.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that. This is a good book. I especially like all the diagrams that are included.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty good. Hey, I forgot, what were you looking for?”

  “Oh just something about the program uploads. Can the sensors be operated and timed using uploads.”

  “Yeah, certainly. I could have told you that. You probably can do anything you need to do, remotely. Turn them on turn them off, set timers, whatever. The microprocessor, of course, is programmable.”

  “Cool. We couldn’t do that with the Gemini!”

  “Exactly. Got to go. Good talking with you Donald.”

  On the way back to his office, Donald had mixed emotions. He was pleased at what Eric said, but concerned over what he heard at Andreyushkin’s office.

  Donald was passing through the lobby, heading toward the corridor to his office when he spotted Kathryn, getting off the elevator.

  “Hi Kathryn,” he said smiling at her.

  “I’m busy Donald, can’t talk right now,” was all she said.

  When he reached his office, he laid down the manual Eric had given him, and paused, thinking of Kathryn.

  I don’t understand what’s wrong with her. Why has she been so cold lately? She always used to be so nice to me. Gee, she’s probably the only true friend I have in this office, I would hate to lose her! This can’t happen! I’m not letting those bastards get to her. We need a hell of a lot more people like Kathryn - she’s wonderful, smart, and so damn beautiful, too. Wow.

  Just then he thought he would head back down to her office.

  If she’s on the phone or with someone, I’ll wait for a better time, but maybe she would be free and then I can tell her she needs to watch out with Anton.

  Donald never did like the fact that Anton was Russian, and over hearing that telephone conversation with some Russian could send him into the ozone layer. To Donald, that was over the top! He really had it in for Andreyushkin. That man bothered him, and he was determined to do something about it.

  When he got to her office, he was right. She was free. He just walked in.

  “Hey Kathryn, hi! I’ll be quick. There’s something I think you should know. Were you aware Andreyushkin is really from Russia?”


  “He’s Russian. I mean born there. And worked for the KGB, too! Yeah, he’s trying to hide it from everyone. Well, people are going to find out I was right. This is getting worse.”

  “Donald, hold on. What are you talking about?”

  “I caught Andreyushkin on the phone talking in Russian no less, to another Russian. I heard it myself, Kathryn. He was talking with some guy named Mikhail. What the hell is he doing Kathryn? And, what’s worse? He was telling this Russian guy all about the AU003 device. Actually, he wasn’t telling him anything, he was asking for information. And company proprietary information! Do you believe that? It was confidential shit Kathryn. He can’t be blabbing that stuff to foreigners! Damn it Kathryn, when is somebody going to believe me, that we have a problem child among us? Someone’s got to alert Ted or maybe even the Corporate Office.”

  Donald, if you’re so concerned, just report your concerns to Human Resources? Or contact the ethics hot line. That’s even better.”

  “They probably won’t believe me. But they’d believe you?”

  “Donald, let’s discuss this more later. I promise. I’ll listen and talk with you. But right now, I have a hell of a lot of work I need to get done. It’s important.”

  “Ok Kathryn, just think about the consequences. About what I’m saying. We’ll talk later. Thank you. I knew I could trust you! Bye.”

  As soon as Donald left her office, Kathryn picked up the phone. Meanwhile, Donald walked only 25 feet or so, when he turned and went back toward her office to tell her something else about Andreyushkin, when he heard her talking. She was sitting on the desk, legs crossed, looking out of the window.

  “I can’t wait to see you tonight, Richard. We’re going to have so much fun again, I just can’t wait.”

  Donald, shocked at what he heard, turned and quietly left her area.

  “Who the hell was that? Does she have a boyfriend? Wow, real important work. That’s bullshit!” He mumbled on the way back to his office.

  It was ten minutes to five, and Kathryn was shutting down her computer when Barbara shouted into her office.

  “You won’t like this Kathryn, I have Ted on line two.”

  Oh shit, no Ted, please don’t do this to me tonight, please!

  “Hi Ted, what’s up?” She said, hoping it was just a quick question.

  “I’m sorry for the late notice
Kathryn, but I need you to come down here for an emergency meeting.”

  “But Ted, I was just walking out the door. I have a very important private affair I must attend tonight.”

  “I’m sorry Kathryn, hopefully this won’t take too long. I expect to get everyone out of here before eight.”

  Eight? That’s ridiculous. My entire night will be ruined!

  “Ted, can’t I catch up and get the details first thing in the morning? I promise, whatever it is, I’ll have my part done for you and on time.”

  “Kathryn, I need you here tonight. Jim is having a problem with firming up the assumptions and sales targets for the five year plan. We need to resolve this tonight, because Jim has to send the final assumptions out first thing in the morning. Your input is critical for the success of this plan.”

  “Fine. Give me a few minutes no I’ll be down there.”

  That son of a bitch. I know exactly how this happened. He didn’t want me present in the original meeting. And because he never knows what he is talking about, his little plan didn’t work. Now Ted and Jim are running to me for help. Shit, this sucks. I just hope Richard will understand.

  Kathryn dreaded calling Richard and cancelling the evening, but she knew she had no choice. She reluctantly picked up the phone.

  “Hello, Richard? It’s me. I am so sorry, but, I just got called into an emergency meeting by the big boss. Please forgive me, but I can’t go to the card game with you tonight. I feel so bad.”

  Just by the tone of her voice, Richard knew she was upset. He immediately wondered how he could make her feel better.

  “Oh Kathryn, this is terrible news. I so looked forward to this evening. You realize, I don’t take lightly to this kind of behavior. How are you going to make this up to me? I was counting on you!”


  Oh my God. What have I done? Is he mad at me?

  “Well, this is rather unorthodox for my expectations. I guess you are just going to have to make it up to me! I have to be at Lenox Hill Friday evening - I’m on call for the Trauma Center. But, Saturday you are going to dinner with me, and if you are late, or I hear more excuses, you’ll have to be punished!”